Beyond Prejudice and Stupidity

Race is boiling up again in the collective conscience of public media and viewership. Michael 'Kramer' Richards' comedy rampage got things going in grand style. Joe Biden kind of goofed his way into heating up our national confusion with his improvisational riff on Barack Obama as " the first mainstream African-American [candidate] who is articulate and bright and clean ". But Biden is by no means alone in coming across as a twit (I sat and chatted with Biden and his mother once at a bus stop in Wilmington, Delaware, and I know the man is not a twit and that he certainly deserves to be considered a strong contender for President of this country). As you will see in the links contained in the short essay below, the foot-in-mouth syndrome is growing with a fervor. Sadly, it's not just liberalish people of European descent who are letting loose. ****************************** Beyond Prejudice and Stupidity I am not yet convinced that I will be voting for Barack ...