Fourth-Wall Friday: Support Your Local Blogger
I've written about book bloggers in the past. I recently had an op-ed piece published at that brought bloggers up as the solution to fake and paid reviews on Amazon. You can read that piece, "Can You Trust Online Reviews?" here . It's a prelude to the column I will be writing for called "Talking Indie." Watch for the column's first entry in November. Today, though, I wanted to point folks towards one of the more creative and exuberant book blogger sites you'll ever find, Kristine Morton, aka Cabin Goddess, is truly remarkable. You need to bookmark her site and read her reviews. Also, her bacon porn references are downright oral. Kriss just posted a little conversation I had with Janie Hawthorn (who happens to appear in the title story of my new, soon to be released collection, Implosions of America ) in the middle of the country about the meaning of Beyond the Will of God (which she is also a...