POC and Where Things Stand...

" WHERE THINGS STAND" (an essay by Roxane Gay on POC and life in the publishing world) Roxane Gay There's a lot to note here in this rather short post by Roxane Gay. POCs are people of color. The graph she offers says it all, although it isn't a "scientfic" study. That said, I respect Roxane Gay immensely and think she's a very good analyst of real life in the book world, and a straight shooter to boot. Here's the main take away: nearly 90% of the books reviewed in the NYTimes are written by so-called Caucasians. What I find interesting is not that this may be evidence of how few books are published by POCs; rather, what's interesting is what these numbers say about books the NYTimes feels are important. As Ms. Gay writes in her Rumpus piece: "...if you are a writer of color, not only do you face a steeper climb getting your book published, you face an even more arduous journey if you want that book to receive critical attention." I pe...