Great Blogs to Read: Truth and Beauty - Young Adult Old Soul
I want to point you to a couple of independent writer/artists I've been in touch with while on vacation in Florida. See photos that have nothing to do with either author.
I read a great post by Laxmi Hariharan in early July titled "Dare to Be an Indie?". That post inspired me to think about the end product of writing, particularly the product created by indie authors. So I explored Laxmi's offerings a bit and saw that she is a quality, thinking, vibrant author living in Londan. I just had to reach out and tell her how great I thought she was. I also let her know why her piece inspired me. She responded back with a guest blog request so if you're interested, you can see the result of her request at her website right now. Check out "Letting Go: Indie Marketing Made Easy" at Laxmi's site, Young Adult Old Soul. I mean every word I wrote there.
Today, I also happened to stumble onto Dan Benbow's website, Truth and Beauty. I've reported on this site in the past. Dan has been my editor at Kotori Magazine on and off over the years. I'm hoping I can get Kotori to consider publishing a sample chapter from Beyond the Will of God for their readers.
Sometimes I worry about calling my novel what it is -- A Psychedelic Mystery. But I know Kotori Readers will appreciate that concept. Most other people just get tongue-tied and sadly PC about the idea. There should be more psychedelic frolics in the art world. The plasticity of consciousness and creativity is rather important to consider...
But I digress. Last Friday, Dan posted a nice piece on Charles Bukowski at Truth and Beauty. It's a great essay, and I put in my two cents worth at the end in the comments section. Dan offers a couple good poems to read by Chuck B and also by one Thomas Waits, along with his own intelligent thoughts. I did not know about the documentary Dan notes in his piece. It looks damn good and you can watch it on YouTube, so go to Truth and Beauty to read and to link.
I will be back from our family outing to South Florida on Wednesday. Saw great minor league baseball (though Jesse Biddle struggled some on the mound...just one of those games...we still got watch young batters try to hit his 93 mph fastball and fail a lot); have been taking long beach walks under an electric sun; lots of time sitting quietly in an out of the way part of our hotel working on my next short story "The Scent Leaver;" and have been part of the unofficial Loggerhead Turtle siting committee, though last night I fell asleep while the crew was out under bright moonlight. We've had a fair number of turtle confrontations. The best was a 7:30 AM encounter with baby loggerheads on their maiden run from hot sandy nests into the sea. About 40 of 'em in a 15 minute span making their fin flapping "run" into the infinite green. Awesome!
My love to all. My novel wants you to buy it! And then read it...follow the path with a heart.
Make sure to bookmark Dan's and Laxmi's blogs, too. They both offer independent insights you probably won't find anywhere else and interesting, quality writing to boot.
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